***Updated: business is closed already. this website is run as sharing information only. non business nature.***
When Specialty Chemicals meets China Market ?
China offers very good opportunity to specialty chemicals. It became a global factory for the world business. We want to take part the business and enjoy the growth. You have good products, reputable and selling well in your market. Some of you may be selling so well and thus naturally look for next expansion. Others see the market saturating, avoiding the fierce competition and you believe your products have better development in Asia. Here you come to some questions.
China may be a good market. But it is also so far away, far away in the sense that it is different from how and what you have done in your market. Culture is different, language is different. You do not have the network there. You want to set up your own company there right away. But how market responds, whom you trust and which colleagues you are sending there, do they have experience for Asian market, is it better and cheaper way rather than sending expensive expats and setting up entity there. Without physical presence and substantial setup, business in China is somehow difficult to startup. Law and regulation is different, very often hard to understand for layman and foreigner. Here Elaga China is bridging this gap.
Focus on specialty chemicals in China. We are experienced in various industrial markets, namely electric, electronic, automobile, construction, transportation, railway, medical, appliance, injection molding, machinery, coating, adhesive, sealant, additive.
***service no longer available***